10 weeks of self care

For this series we will explore different areas of self care - how you can ensure that you’re taking care of you from big obvious ways to small ways that have big impact. It’s so important to take care of yourself and give yourself the ability to grow into the person you were made to be. Please join us.

progress > perfection


week 01 | all about self care

This week is all about figuring out what self care means to you. What are the different ways that you can incorporate it into your life? In what areas do you need the most self care? Are you really great at focusing in one aspect of your life and often let the other areas slide? Take some time to read and think about how you want to bring more self care into your life and in what ways.


week 02 | your word of the year

Have you explored the practice of selecting one word for your year? A word that you can carry through the year as a reminder of the person that you want to become. A word that stretches you or allows and encourages you to slow down? I believe in this process and think that it is a great tool in pushing yourself to be your very best you.

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week 03 | creating a morning routine

Your morning routine is something that sets you up for success in your entire day. A good solid morning routine can ensure that you are ready for all of the things that you’ve planned and that you’re ready to tackle any unexpected things that might pop up. Read more to learn about setting up your own morning routine and find our what works well for others.